Getting started

The most relevant classes can be imported like this:

from kiutils.board import Board
from kiutils.libraries import LibTable
from kiutils.schematic import Schematic
from kiutils.footprint import Footprint
from kiutils.symbol import SymbolLib
from kiutils.wks import WorkSheet
from kiutils.dru import DesignRules

Every class has at at least the following functions:

  • to_sexpr(..): Generate KiCad S-Expression that describes the object

  • from_sexpr(..): Initialize the object with data found in given S-Expression. Wrong S-Expression supplied yields an exception.

If the class is intended to access files (such as board files, schematics, libraries, etc.), the following functions are available:

  • create_new(..): Creates a new object with its members populated in a similar way as KiCad would do it

  • from_file(..): Creates a new object and initializes it with data found in given file

  • to_file(..): Generate KiCad S-Expression that describes the object and write it to the given file

The files in the root directory are intended to be used in a Python script as they contain the main functionality of the module. Documentation can be found in the source files itself. Use VSCode for development as it shows docstring documentation by default when hovering over functions and members of the module.

Simple examples

These examples use the Board() class as an example. The procedure is the same for all file-serving classes in kiutils.

Create a new object and dump it to a file that KiCad can use (be sure to get the file extension correctly! (.kicad_pcb in this case)):

from kiutils.board import Board

board = Board.create_new()
# Do stuff ..

Parse an already existing object, do some changes and reexport it:

from kiutils.board import Board

board = Board.from_file('/my/fancy/project/title.kicad_pcb')
# Do stuff ..

Note that the latter example omitted the path when calling to_file(). The file path used when opening the original file will be used in this case. It is still possible to change the export path to somewhere different.

Check the Examples section for other stuff that can be done with kiutils!