
These examples show how the module is intended to be used.

Loading and saving a board

from kiutils.board import Board

board = Board().from_file("path/to/board.kicad_pcb")

# Do stuff ...


Changing title and revision in schematic

from kiutils.schematic import Schematic

schematic = Schematic().from_file("path/to/schematic.kicad_sch")
schematic.titleBlock.title = "This is schematic xyz"
schematic.titleBlock.revision = "B"

Loading and adding footprint to board

Here a footprint is loaded from a .kicad_mod file and added to a board:

from kiutils.board import Board
from kiutils.footprint import Footprint
from kiutils.items.common import Position
from kiutils.items.fpitems import FpText

from os import path

# Get current working directory
tests_path = path.join(path.dirname(path.realpath(__file__)), 'tests')

# Load board file and footprint file
board = Board().from_file(path.join(tests_path, "example-project/example/example.kicad_pcb"))
footprint = Footprint().from_file(path.join(tests_path, "example-project/example/C_0805.kicad_mod"))

# Set new footprint's position
footprint.position = Position(X=127.0, Y=85.0)

# Change identifier to C105
for item in footprint.graphicItems:
    if isinstance(item, FpText):
        if item.type == 'reference':
            item.text = "C105"

# Append footprint to board and save board

Adding vias to board

This example adds two vias on the normal axis at the end of each segment:

from cmath import sqrt
from kiutils.board import Board
from kiutils.items.brditems import Via, Segment
from kiutils.items.common import Position

from os import path

# Get current working directory
tests_path = path.join(path.dirname(path.realpath(__file__)), 'tests')

# Load board file
board = Board().from_file(path.join(tests_path, "example-project/example/example.kicad_pcb"))

# Iterate through segments, arcs and vias ..
for item in board.traceItems:
    if isinstance(item, Segment):
        # Calculate normal on end point of segment
        nvec = Position(-(item.end.Y - item.start.Y), item.end.X - item.start.X)
        nvec_inverse_len = 1/sqrt(nvec.X**2 + nvec.Y**2).real
        unit_normal = Position(nvec_inverse_len * nvec.X, nvec_inverse_len * nvec.Y)

        # Compute positions of new vias
        next_via_1 = Position(item.end.X + (unit_normal.X * 2), item.end.Y + (unit_normal.Y * 2))
        next_via_2 = Position(item.end.X - (unit_normal.X * 2), item.end.Y - (unit_normal.Y * 2))

        # Append vias to trace items list of board
        board.traceItems.append(Via(position=next_via_1, layers=["F.Cu", "B.Cu"], size=1.0, drill=0.6))
        board.traceItems.append(Via(position=next_via_2, layers=["F.Cu", "B.Cu"], size=1.0, drill=0.6))

# Write changes back to board file